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5 Helpful Tips to Keep Your Home Clean and Junk Free

A great strategy for simplifying and organizing our lives is decluttering. Rearranging and getting rid of things that aren't needed will help us make more room— literally and mentally. 

However, cleaning and keeping your house junk-free can be challenging. But there are ways to make sure that you will not accumulate more junk and clutter at home. 

Here are some tips:

Keep what you only need 

Most people keep things even though they don’t need them at all. You sometimes buy things and store them away only to find out that they already piled up and become clutter. 

The best way to break this cycle is to say no. Avoid doing impulse buying and clear all the things you’ve accumulated through the years. Keep only the things that you really need. 

Store daily items where it is easy to access

You can avoid having to look for things and make long walks to put them away by using shelving, storage containers, and organization systems in easily accessible sections of your home.

Finding things when needed is also made simpler in a home with such a well-organized structure. Additionally, this will improve the efficiency of your space and give it a more stylish and designed feel.  

Make it a habit to clean up after yourself 

Make it your habit to return items to their original locations after using them. For example, tidy up your bed when you wake up in the morning or wash the dishes after every use. This way, your chores will not pile up which will make things easier for you to organize. 

Have some cleaning materials in every room 

To ensure that everything is organized, use a plastic bin and place it in every room. This eliminates the need for you to search around for what you need, which makes cleanup easier to complete right away. 

Place disinfectants and multipurpose cleaners in every room, kitchen cleaners in the kitchen, and bathroom cleaners in each bathroom.

Make piles of save, donate, or toss away

Making three piles—one for donating, one for keeping, and one for throwing away. This is important to ensure that you have a junk-free environment. 

Organizing your home into these many heaps is a good approach to "clean up" your space gradually and get rid of items you do not need or use.

Any objects that are left over from the keep pile can then be assigned to storage spaces, which will help all of your rooms appear orderly and clutter-free.

Ready to Live in a Junk-Free Environment?

Take it from the experts and let’s help you clear away the clutter and junk in your homes. Ronnie’s Rubbish Removal can make all your junk removal needs simpler and easier. 

Book an appointment today or call us at 7118-JUNK-NYC. You can also email us at

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